Friday, May 29, 2020
Determining The Profitability Of A Financial Institution - Free Essay Example
CHAPTER 1 Rapid changes in financial service industries make it essential to determine the profitability of financial institution. Banks plays a key role in financial market of a country and for this ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s very important to evaluate that bank operate in efficient manner also what are the factors which affect the profitability of banks. A bank generates profit from the differential between the level of interest it pays for deposits and other sources of funds, and the level of interest it charges in its lending activities. Historically, profitability from lending activities has been dependent on the needs and strengths of customers. In modern era, investors have demanded a more stable revenue stream and banks have therefore placed more emphasis on transaction fees, primarily loan fees but also included service charges on an array of deposit activities and other services (international banking, foreign exchange, insurance, investments, wire transfers, etc.). Lending activities provide the huge size of income to commercial banks. In the past 10 years banks have taken many measures to ensure that bank remain profitable while responding to increasingly changing market conditions. Financial sector of Pakistan structured on Scheduled and Unscheduled Banks. Scheduled Banks are regulated by the State Bank of Pakistanà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Regulations, through different wings, and are subject to different SBP regulatory requirements such as capital and liquidity reserve requirements. The financial division analysts were projected à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âhigher profitabilityà ¢Ã¢â ¬? in 2008. That projection made possible because State Bank of Pakistan has raised its discount rate in which the banks can invest to earn a good return. The rising lending rates contributed considerably to ensuring an increased profitability acknowledged by State bank of Pakistan. Factors that affect the profitability of Commercial Banks are both Endogenous and Exogenous. Endogenous factors are within the Control of Management such as quality of management and its policies, efficiency of management in generating revenues and controlling costs, bank capitalization and location. Exogenous factors are outside management control, especially macro economic indices such as Interest rates, Exchange rates, Inflation, and other regulatory and market constraints. The banking sector has been a source of stability for this country, because as you have seen in many countries, the banking sector has weakened and outright nationalization has taken place in some countries. However, the reforms that have taken place in Pakistan banking sector over the past 8 to 10 years have given stability and strength to this sector. There are some ratios, by which can measure the strength of a banking sector, and the most important amongst those ratios is Capital Adequacy; our countryà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s average capital adequacy 8 percent some banks have less or some banks have more. Macro stability taken some time to trickle down was not something that happens over a month or two, because macro stability causes improvement in the confidence and that improvement caused investment decisions to become positive. As Pakistan banking sector presented stable condition. The country was not very export-dependent either, which is why the global decrease in trade has not had a big impact on Pakistan. Pakistan has the potential to achieve self-sufficiency over a period of time and create a major surplus for agriculture. Banks in Pakistan over the last eight to ten years have been more selective in the client base, apart from the consumer side, because the consumer loans are only 14 percent of the total loans its much lower than other countries. Country had faced some problems in the consumer loans, especially those banks that had become too aggressive in this sector, but the rest whether ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s corporate or agriculture have remained stable. Growth of Banking Sector: Profitability of the banking sector has been breaking its own record year after year during this ongoing decade. The commercial banking sector in Pakistan regulated by the state bank of Pakistan. SBP introduced several structural changes. Beside higher standards of corporate governance at management and board level, the banks are adhering to SBP prudential regulations, consistent with BIS standards. 36 Commercial Banks (26 local banks and 10 foreign banks) of which 22 were listed on stock exchange. Many merger/acquisition took place. Asset of banking sector registered a increase to reach at Rs 3.7 trillion (2005) with annual growth rate of 15.2% that outpaced economic growth (2005-06) 85 % of banking sector are in private hands. 1.3 Earning And Profitability Strong earnings and profitability profile of banks reflects the ability to support present and future operations. More specifically, this determined the capacity to absorb losses, finance its expansion programs, pay dividend to its shareholders and build up adequate level of capital. There were many different indicators used to serve the purpose, the best and most widely used indicator return on assets (ROA). Earning demanded most visible in case of foreign banks in 1998. The stress on earnings and profitability was expected although the steps taken by the SBP to improve liquidity. Not only liquid assets to total assets ratio turn down sharply, earning assets to total assets also dropped. T-Bill portfolio of banks declined considerably, as that were less compensated. Banks reduced return on deposits to sustain their spread. The financial institutes were not able to contain the decline in ROA due to declining stock and remuneration of their earning assets. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Research on the determinants of bank profitability has focused on the returns of bank assets and equity, and net interest rate margins. It has traditionally explored the impact on bank performance of bank-specific factors, such as risk, market power, and regulatory costs. Many researchers have focused on the impact of macroeconomic factors on bank performance and profitability. According to Flennery (2000) tested the hypothesis that market rate fluctuations adversely affect commercial bank profits. The finding have responded of revenue and cost of fund to market rate changes then determine whether regulators should take pains to stabilize market conditions. Market rate levels emerge as a prominent influence on intermediary costs and revenues, but the effects of market rate changes effectively cancel one another for most large banks. The research found significant sensitivity to interest rate and it was unstable over the time. By Brick (1994) estimated of market risk, interest rate risk, and foreign exchange risk continues to be unstable. The result of risk differed by bank type and period. As interest rate risk declines, foreign exchange increases; the result suggested that the market continues to reflect changes in the economic and regulatory situation of commercial banks in the pricing of bank stocks. The adverse impact of Interest Rate fluctuations on the profitability of Commercial Banks can be hedge with sound application of modern interest rate risk management theories and tools. Used accounting decompositions, as well as panel regressions, Al-Haschimi (2007) studied the determinants of bank net interest rate margins in 10 Sub Saharan African countries. Author found that credit risk and operating inefficiencies explain most of the variation in net interest margins across the region. Macroeconomic risk has only limited effects on net interest margins in the study. DemirgÃÆ'à ¼ÃÆ'à §-Kunt and Huizinga (1999) used bank level data for 80 countries for the periods 1988à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"95; analyze how bank characteristics and the overall banking environment affect both interest rate margins and bank returns. In considering both measures, this study provides a decomposition of the income effects of a number of determinants that affect depositor and borrower behavior, as opposed to that of shareholders. Results suggested that macroeconomic and regulatory conditions have a pronounced impact on margins and profitability. Lower market concentration ratios lead to lower margins or profits, while the effect of foreign ownership varies between industrialized and developing countries. Foreign banks have higher margins and profits compared to domestic banks in developing countries, while the opposite holds in developed countries. Hualan Cia and Weing (1992) studied on the effect of interest rate change on stock return and bank profitability, investigated the sensitivity of Canadian banks stock return and the profitability to change in interest rate. Used the data of Canadian banks on both the actual and unexpected change of different time series of interest rate indices, the short, intermediate and long term interest rate have significant negative correlation with bank stock return and profitability. The analysis showed through regression analysis by calculated the ratios of financial statements of banks. This measured the Canadian bank profitability against interest rate changes found that the net interest income and net income were not significantly related to change of interest rate. Flannery (1981) the study examined the relation between the interest rate sensitivity of common stock returns and the maturity composition of the firms nominal contracts. Used a sample of actively traded commercial banks and stock savings and loan associations, common stock returns are found to be correlated with interest rate changes. The co-movement of stock returns and interest rate changes positively related to the size of the maturity difference between the firms nominal assets and liabilities. Facts supported the hypothesis that the effect of nominal interest rate changes on common stock prices related to the maturity composition of a firms net nominal asset holding. For commercial bank and SL stocks, changes in interest rates were found to be significantly related to stock price movements. Also cross-sectional variation in the interest rate sensitivity measure was significantly related to the maturity mismatch of the bank assets and liabilities. Dependable with the nominal contracting hypothesis, the maturity composition of nominal contracts was found to be a significant factor affecting common stock returns. Coyne (1973) Commercial Bank Profitability by Function, The study was concerned with the cost, price and profit by function. It estimated the profit for real estate, installment, commercial and agricultural loans, and investments for banks stratified by size of deposit and the method, that was used to make that determination; the degree to which the average price (interest rate) by function known to the bank and, expressed by a sample period, whether it was equal to or greater than the cost of funds by function; and the degree to which the bank was able to determine its profit by function. The results of the surveyed were representative of the aggregate commercial banking community, the study concluded by the cost of funds estimates to average balance sheet for the Representative Bank of America (RBA).Raw data were obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands functional cost analysis of forty-one banks. Surveyed to the chief executive officer of 510 commercial banks provides insight into the manner in which commercial banks utilize. The author designed to provide a method of cost and profit calculation to the numerous small and medium-sized banks who indicated in response to the authors survey that the author knew little or nothing about the costs by function. The results of the investigation in general and the profitability of RBA in particular representative of the entire banking community, this study was provide help to individual banks as well as policy-making levels of state and national government where questions concerning matters such as usury laws and price (interest rate) controls appear to be taking a disproportionately large amount of time and effort to resolve. Goddard, Molyneux and Wilson (2004) determined the dynamic panel and cross-sectional regressions used to estimate growth and profit equations for a sample of commercial, savings, and co-operative banks from five major European Union countries during the mid-1990s. Methodologically unified the growth and profit strands in the previous empirical literature. Profit was an important prerequisite for future growth. High capital assets ratio tendency grow slowly in banking sector, and growth was connected to macroeconomic conditions. There were few systematic influences on bank growth. The resolution of profit appears higher for savings and co-operative banks than for commercial banks has attempted to unify the growth and profit strands in the literature by examining the performance of European banks during the 1990s. It reported univariate, bivariate, and multivariate versions of a two-equation model, which attempts to capture two-way causality between growth and profit while controlling for a range of other determinants of bank performance. The growth regressions suggested as banks became larger in relative terms, their growth performance tended to improve further. This pattern was strongest for commercial banks. Banks that sustained high capital-assets and liquidity ratios records low profitability. There was some evidence of a positive association between concentration and profitability, but little evidence of a link between bank-level x-inefficiency and profitability. While such patterns continue, concentration in European banking exhibited a natural tendency to increase. There was proof of positive perseverance of growth, although this tends to decline when additional control variables were included in the bivariate and multivariate growth models. The estimated coefficients on the covered profit term in the growth equations lend strong support to the notion that profit is an important sign to future growth. In the profit regressions, there was some variation in the estimated short-run between ownership types and countries. This reflected the fact that savings and co-operative banks are subject to various business and geographical restrictions that smother competition. The study favored th e SCP hypothesis of a positive association between concentration and profitability, but little apparent relationship between bank level inefficiency and profitability. In Latin America, Gelos (2006) studied the determinants of bank interest margins using bank and country level data. Author found that spreads are large because of relatively high interest rates because of macroeconomic risk, including from inflation, less efficient banks, and higher reserve requirements. In a study of United States banks for the period 1989à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"93, Angbazo (1997) found that net interest margins reflect primarily credit. In addition, there was evidence that net interest margins are positively related to core capital, non-interest bearing reserves, and management quality, but negatively related to liquidity risk. Ho and Saunders (1981) applied the model of to analyze the determinants of interest margins in six countries of the European Union and the US during the period 1988à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"95. Authors found that macroeconomic volatility and regulations have a significant impact on bank interest rate margins. The results also suggested an important trade-off between ensuring bank solvency, defined by high capital to asset ratios, and lowering the cost of financial services to consumers, as measured by low interest rate margins. Athanasoglou, Delis and Staikouras (2006) applied a dynamic panel data model to study the performance of Greek banks over the period 1985à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"2001, and find some profit persistence, a result that signal that the market structure not perfectly competitive. The results also showed that the profitability of Greek banks shaped by bank-specific factors and macroeconomic control variables, which were not under the direct control of bank management and industry formation, did not appear to significantly affect profitability. Athanasoglou (2008) studied the profitability behavior of the south eastern European banking industry over the period 1998à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"2002. The empirical result suggested that the enhancement of bank profitability in those countries requires new standards in risk management and operating efficiency, which, according to the evidence presented in the paper, crucially affect profits. A key result that effect market concentration was positive, while the picture regarding macroeconomic variables was mixed. A number of studies have emphasized the relation between macroeconomic variables and bank risk. Saunders and Allen (2004) surveyed on pro-cyclicality in operational, credit, and market risk exposures. Such cyclical effects mainly results from systematic risk originate from common macroeconomic influences or from interdependencies across firms as financial markets and institutions consolidate internationally. It ultimately exacerbates business cycle fluctuations due to adverse effects on bank lending capacity. Using equity returns data over the period 1973à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"2003, Allen and Bali (2004) examined the disastrous risk of financial institutions. Results suggested evidence of pro-cyclicality in both tragic and operational risk measurements, implying that macroeconomic, systematic, and environmental factors play a considerable role in determining the risk and returns of financial institutions. Pi and Timme (1993) investigated the relationship of concentration of decision management and control in one person on the cost efficiency level of the bank and return on assets. On the basis of the study found that the banks whose Chairman and CEO be same person had significantly less efficiency than those banks that possessed not similar governance structure and show that performance was affected by top management structure. Isik and Hassan (2003) estimated cost, allocate, technical, pure technical and scale efficiency of Turkish banking industry from 1988 to 1996. This study considered capital, loan able funds as bank short-term loans, long-term loans, risk adjustment off balance sheet items and other earning assets as output of bank. Thistle, McLeod and Conrad (1989) have found that (a) balance sheet composition depends on both the level and change in interest rates , (b) banks response to changes in interest rates in different, depending on whether rates are rising or falling. Authors determined the relation between banks portfolio of assets and liabilities and interest rate was stable. Several possible caused of instability. The econometric techniques employed allow for continuous change in the structure of the empirical model. The study found that the portfolio-interest rate relationship depends on the level of interest rates and exogenous assets, as well as their rate and direction of change Samy Ben Naceur (2005) investigated the impact of banks characteristics, financial structure and macroeconomic indicators on banks net interest margins and profitability in the Tunisian banking industry for the 1980-2000 periods. The study found individual bank characteristics explained a substantial part of the within-country variation in bank interest margins and profitability. High interest margin and profitability tend to be associated with banks that hold a relatively high amount of capital, and with large overheads. The study found that the inflation had a positive force for net interest margin; while economic growth has no incidence. Another factor was financial structure and its impact on banks interest margin and profitability; found that concentration be less beneficial to the Tunisian commercial banks than competition whereas for stock market development had a positive effect on bank profitability. This reflected the corresponding between bank and stock market growth. The study found that the disintermediation of the Tunisian financial system was favorable to the banking sector profitability. Some authors examined on banking of south European region, the determinants of bank interest margins adopt two alternative modeling frameworks used dealership approach and a micro-model of the banking-firm approach, study found bank as a dynamic dealer, setting interest rates on loans and deposits to balance the asymmetric arrival of loan demands and deposit supplies by Staikouras. The bank interest margins were shown to be fees charged by banks for the provision of liquidity. The alternative approach was the micro-model of the banking firm, the study found the banking firm in a static way, setting where demands and supplies of deposits and loans simultaneously clear both markets. Choi, Elyasiani and Kopecky (1992) estimated a multi-index model that considered market risk, interest sensitivity, and exchange rate risk of commercial bank stock returns. Dummy models were used to separate the period of pre- and post-October 1979 and to split the results attributable to money center banks from other banks. A significant exchange rate effect occurs for money center banks after October 1979, while interest sensitivity was stronger before October 1979. The exchange rate effect was attributing to raised hedge foreign loan exposure of money center banks. The bank profitability typically measured by the return on assets (ROA) and/or the return on equity, usually expressed as a function of internal and external determinants. Internal determinant factors that were mainly influenced by a bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s management decisions and policy objectives. Such profitability determinants are the level of liquidity, provisioning policy, capital adequacy, expenses management, and bank size. On the other hand, the external determinants, both industry and macroeconomic related, also known variables that reflect the economic and legal environments where the financial institution operates. By Bourke (1989) determined; Liquidity risk, arising from the possible inability of a bank to accommodate. Decreased in liabilities or to fund increases on the assetsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ side of the balance sheet, considered an important determinant of bank profitability. The loans market, especially credit to households and firms, risky and has a greater expected return than other bank assets, such as government securities. That expected a positive relationship between liquidity and profitability. Duca and McLaughlin (1990) studied that variations in bank profitability were largely attributable to variations in credit risk, since increased exposure to credit risk normally associated with decreased firm profitability. Miller and Noulas (1997) suggested that the more financial institutions are exposed to high risk loans, the higher the accumulation of unpaid loans and the lower the profitability. Even though leverage (capitalization) has been demonstrated to be important in explaining the performance of financial institutions, its impact on bank profitability was ambiguous. As lower capital ratios suggest a relatively risky position, one might expect a negative coefficient on this variable. Molyneux and Thornton (1992) observed a positive relationship, suggesting that high profits earned by firms be appropriated in the form of higher payroll expenditures paid to more productive human capital. It should be appealing to identify the dominant effect, in a developing banking environment like Malaysia. Authors used Bank size to capture potential economies or diseconomies of scale in the banking sector. The variable controls for cost differences and product and risk diversification according to the size of the financial institution. The first factor could lead to a positive relationship between size and bank profitability were significant economies of scale, while the second factor negative one was increased diversification leads to lower credit risk and lower returns. Berger, Hanweck, Humphery (1987) discussed that marginal cost savings can be achieved by increasing the size of the banking firm, especially as markets develop. Eichengreen and Gibson (2001) suggested that the effect of a growing bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s size on profitability may be positive up to a certain limit. Beyond the point, the effect of size was negative due to bureaucratic and other reasons. Bank profitability be sensitive to macroeconomic conditions despite the trend in the industry towards greater geographic diversification and larger use of financial engineering techniques to manage risk associated with business cycle forecasting. Generally, higher economic growth encourages bank to lend more and permits them to charge higher margins, as well as improving the quality of their assets. 2.1 The Determinants of Bank Performance: Studies on the determinants of bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s interest margin and profitability have focused on single country sides and a panel of countries. 2.1a Single country studies As most of the studies on bank performance are conducted in the US and emerging markets. Neeley and Wheelock (1997) explored the profitability of a sample of insured commercial banks in the US for the 1980-1995 periods. Authors found that bank performance positively related to the annual percentage changes in the stateà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s per capita income. The main Studies on the determinants of bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performance in emerging countries were carried out in Colombia Barajas et al. (1999) document significant effects of financial liberalization on bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s interest margins for the Colombian case. Although the overall spread has not declined after financial reform, the relevance of the different factors behind the bank spreads were affected by such measures. Another change linked with the liberalization process was the increase of the coefficient of loan quality after the liberalization. Afanasieff, Lhacer and Nakane (2002) make used of panel data techniques to uncover the main determinants of the bank interest spreads in Brazil. Ben Naceur and Goaied (2001) investigated the determinants of the Tunisian bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performances during the period 1980-1995. The research indicated that the best performing banks were those who had struggled to improve labor and capital productivity, maintained a high level of deposit accounts relative to their assets and had been able to reinforce their equity. Guru, Staunton and Balashanmugam (2002) attempted to identify the determinants of successful deposit banks in order to provide practical guide for improved profitability performance of these institutions. The study was based on a sample of 17 Malaysian commercial banks over the 1986-1995. The profitability determinants were divided in two main categories, internal determinants (liquidity, capital adequacy and expenses management) and the external determinants (ownership, firm size and external economic conditions). The finding of that study revealed that efficient expenses management was one of the most significant in explaining high bank profitability. Among the macro indicators, high interest ratio was associated with low bank profitability and inflation was found to have a positive effect on bank performance. 2.1b Panel country studies The panel country studies were focused on European companies and developed and developing countries. Molyneux and Thornton (1992) were the first to explore thoroughly the determinants of bank profitability on a set of countries. Authors used sample of 18 European countries during the 1986-1989. The finding represented a significant positive association between the return on equity and the level of interest rates in each country, bank concentration, and government ownership. Abreu and Mendes (2002) investigated the determinants of bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s interest margins and profitability for some European countries in the last decade. The authors reported that well capitalized banks face lower expected bankruptcy costs and advantages translate into better profitability. Although with a negative sign in all regressions, the unemployment rate was relevant in explaining bank profitability. Bashir (2000) examined the determinants of Islamic bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performance across eight Middle Eastern countries for 1993-1998. A number of internal and external factors were used to predict profitability and efficiencies. Controlling for macroeconomic environment, financial market situation and taxation, the results showed that higher leverage and large loans to asset ratios, lead to higher profitability. The author reported in his study that foreign-owned banks are more profitable that the domestic. The result also found the evidence that taxation impacts negatively bank profitability. Final result of study was that macroeconomic setting and stock market development have a positive impact on profitability. DemerguÃÆ'à §-Kunt and Huizingha (1999) examined the determinants of bank interest margins and profitability using a bank level data for 80 countries in the 1988- 1995 period. The set of variables included several factors accounting for bank characteristics, macroeconomic conditions, taxation, regulations, financial structure, and legal indicators. The study reported that a larger ratio of bank assets to GDP and a lower market concentration ratio lead to lower margins and profits. Foreign banks have higher margins and profits than domestic banks on developing countries, while the opposite prevail in developed countries. DemerguÃÆ'à §-Kunt and Huizingha (2001) presented evidence on the impact of financial development and structure on bank profitability using bank level data for a large number of developed and developing countries over the 1990-1997 period. The study found that financial development has a very important impact on bank performance. It reported that higher bank development was related to lower bank performance. Stock market development on the other hand, leads to increased profits and margins for banks especially at lower levels of financial development, indicating complementarities between bank and stock market. CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS The interest rate assummed to be one of the most important factors that affect commercial banks profitability. The issue which deals in the study was the affect of market interest rate fluactuation has adversly related to commercial bank profitability. This thesis study bring opportunity to established a relationship between fluctuations in interest rates and the performance of commercial banks in Pakistan during the period of 2004- 2008. The main purpose of this study was to determine the implication of fluctuations in market interest rates on the profitability of commercial banks in Pakistan. This study provide à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"Major causes of interest rate fluctuations à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"The extent to which commercial banks are set to manage interest rate related risks. Major causes of Interest Rate Fluctuation were unstable government Policies, Unstable Economic Environment, unavailability of long-term funds, Inflation. The factors that affect the commercial bank profitability were significant mismatch in the maturity profiles of Assets and Liabilities, Frequent Interest Rate Fluctuations, under capitalization of banks, Poor Collateral of credits. Pakistanà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s financial sector included nationalized, foreign, and private banks; and Non-banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) which include Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), Investment Banks, leasing companies, modarabas, and housing finance companies. Scheduled Banks know as also commercial bank regulated by the State Bank of Pakistan regulated through different wings, and subject to different SBP regulatory requirements such as capital and liquidity reserve requirements. Factors that affect the profitability of Commercial Banks are both Endogenous and Exogenous. Endogenous factors are within the Control of Management such as quality of management and its policies, efficiency of management in generating revenues and controlling costs, bank capitalization and location. Exogenous factors are outside management control, especially macro economic indices such as Interest rates, Exchange rates, Inflation, and other regulatory and market constraints. Interest rate comes under this category. 3.1 Discount rate: The discount rate is an interest rate a central bank of country charges depository institutes that borrow reserves from it. The rate of interest set by the State bank of Pakistan that member banks are charged when commercial bank borrow money through the SBP interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan. 3.2 Bank Profitability: A bank generates a profit from the differential between the level of interest it pays for deposits and some different source of funds, and the scale of interest accuse in its lending activities. Strong earnings and profitability profile of banks reflects the ability to support present and future operations, that determines the capacity to absorb losses, finance its expansion program, pay dividend to its shareholders and build up adequate level of capital. Although different indicators are used to serve the purpose, the best and most widely used indicator are return on assets (ROA), Net Income, and Net interest income. CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHOD The method used in the study was regression analysis through à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âCurve linear regressionà ¢Ã¢â ¬? apply for determined discount rate fluctuation has adversely impact on bank profitability. This section provides information about sources of data, sample size, and discussion of variables. 4.1 Data Collection This study used data analysis from secondary source. The data of financial statements are taken from annual reports of commercial banks for 5 years 2004-2008. 4.2 Data Sample The total sample of commercial bank in Pakistan is 27 listed in Karachi stock exchange out of which the sample size of research was 12 Commercial Banks in Pakistan. The market discount rate is independent variable and net income, net interest income and return on assets are dependent variables which collected from annual reports during the sample period. 4.3 Regression Analysis and Curve Linear Regression Change in Net income ÃŽâ⬠NIt = ÃŽà ± + ÃŽà ² ÃŽâ⬠It Here, ÃŽâ⬠NIt is the change of net income for a bank, computed by (Nit-Nit-1)/Nit-1 (It) is discount rate. It indicate how capable the management of banks has been converting the bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s asset into net earnings. Return on Assets ROA = Net Income /Total assets This ratio indicate efficientÃâà managementÃâà at using its assets to generate earnings. Change in Net interest income ÃŽâ⬠NII = ÃŽà ± + ÃŽà ² ÃŽâ⬠It Here, ÃŽâ⬠NIIt is the change of net income for a bank, computed by (Niit-Niit-1)/Niit-1 (It) is discount rate. The net interest margin measures how large spread between interest revenue and interest cost it can achieve by controlling the bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s earning asset. 4.4 Variables: 4.3a Dependent Variable: Return On Asset: Ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s an indicator of profitability measurement of a bank or company.Ãâà ROA provide the ideaÃâà to how efficientÃâà management isÃâà at using its assets to generate earnings.Ãâà It Calculate by dividing a companys annual earnings by its total assets. ROAÃâà explain what earnings were generated from invested capital (assets). The ROA figure provided an ideaÃâà how effectively the company can converted the moneyÃâà into investment. The higher the ROA number, the better, because the bank is earning more money on less investment. Net Income: Net income represents the amount of money remaining after all costs, depreciation, interest, taxes, and other expenses have been deducted from a companys total sales. Net income also known as net profit, or net earnings. Ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s one of the most closely followed numbers a company can produce, and it plays a part in many other financial measures. Net income is not only a measure of company earned cash during a given period. Ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s also important to know that changes in accounting methods can influence net income figures, and in many cases these changes may have little to do with a companys actual operations. Changes in net income were used for much analysis. In general, when a bank or companys net income is negative or is fairly low, this could suggest a myriad of problems, ranging from inadequacies in customer or expense management to unfavorable accounting methods. Some institutes strive to minimize taxes and will therefore intentionally attempt to minimize their reported net income. Net interest Income: Net interest income is a financial measure for banks, calculated by the amount of money the bank receives from interest on assets (commercial loans, personal mortgages, etc) minus the amount of money the bank pays out for interest on liabilities (personal bank accounts, etc). The variable usually calculated for banks, this figure can also be calculated for other corporations, simply by subtracting the amount of interest paid on liabilities from the amount of interest earned from assets. 4.3b Independent Variable Interest rate In the study the discount rate was used as an interest rate which a central bank of country charges to depository institutes that borrow reserves from it. State Bank of Pakistan offered the discount rate to the commercial banks. CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS The study included three indicators to measures of performance; return of assets (ROA), change in net income (NI), and change in net interest income (NII). ROA have been used to measured performance studies. ROA measures the profit earned per dollar of assets and reflect how well bank management use the bankà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s real investments resources to generate profits while NI is focused on the profit earned on activities. Table 1 Variable Summary Dependent Variable Independent Variable ROA NI NII IR Number of Positive values 53 35 53 60 Number of Zeros 1 1 1 0 Number of Negative values 6 24 6 0 Number of (user missing) 0 0 0 0 Missing values (system missing) 0 0 0 0 The Curve linear regression procedure produces curve regression statistics and related plots for 11 different curve estimation regression models. Here variables appear to be related linearly, used a simple linear regression model. When variables were not linearly related, apply transforming data. When a transformation does not work, need a more complicated model. There be many models in the Curve Estimation procedure: linear, logarithmic, inverse, quadratic, cubic, power, compound, S-curve, logistic, growth, and exponential. The Curve Estimation routine in SPSS is a curve-fitting program to compare linear, logarithmic, inverse, quadratic, cubic, power, compound, S-curve, logistic, growth, and exponential models based on their relative goodness of fit for models where a dependent variable predicted by a single independent variable. This study has identified the profitability indicators that explain the variation in interest rate to evaluate the impact of interest rate on commercial bank profitability. This investigation has used the regression analysis through curve estimation. The model has been used in this study were Linear and Logarithmic regression to know the significance level of dependent variables in relation with independent variable. Linear model Y = b0 + (b1 * x) where b0 is the constant, b1 the regression coefficient for x, the independent variable. It required multivariate normality. The dependent variable related to the independent variable in a linear method. Here the interest rate was adversely related to three dependent variables. Logarithmic model Y = b0 + (b1 * ln(x)) where ln() is the natural log function. In the b0 is constant, b1 the regression coefficient for x, the independent variable. Through the log function the model tested the relation of interest rate and three dependent variables. 5.1 ANOVA Table 2 Sum of mean Square df Mean Square F Sig Linear ROA .001 1 .001 .325 .571 NI 7.762 1 7.762 .273 .603 NII .506 1 .506 3.063 .085 Logarithmic ROA .000 1 .000 .205 .653 NI 3.104 1 3.104 .109 .742 NII .666 1 .666 4.101 .047 In this table there are results of two equations Linear and Logarithmic in ANOVA analysis. The table contains two sets of equations, which represents the mean, frequency, and significance level of the variables. This table represented that Sig. (p value) = 0.047 As p 0.05 the predictors are significantly better than would be expected by chance. The regression line predicted by the independent variables explains a significant amount of the variance in the dependent variable. It would normally be reported in a similar trend to other ANOVAs: F (ROA, NI, NII) .325, .273, 3.063 were 0.05 F (ROA, NI, NII) .205, .109, 4.101 were 0.05 This shows that ROA, NI and NII are having insignificant result. The result proved that interest rate and Commercial bank profitability has adversely related to each other. ANOVA, Analysis of variance, a method of testing the null hypothesis that several group means are equal in the population, by comparing the sample variance estimated from the group means to that estimated within the groups. Table showed Sum of squares mean by the degrees of freedom it gives the Mean Square and F provided the significance value. It can see that the Regression explains significantly variance. It was based on the comparison of two estimate variances one representing the variance within groups, often referred to as error variance; and the other representing variance due to differences in-group means. If the two variances do not differ significantly, one can believe that all the group means come from the same sampling distribution of means and there was no reason to claim that the group means differ. However, the group means differ more than can be accounted for due to random error, there is reason to believe that were drawn from different sampling distributions of means. The larger F ratio, the greater is the difference between groups as compared to within group differences. An F- ratio equal to or less than one indicates that there is no significant difference between groups and the hypothesis is correct. The hypothesis was correct there was no significant level among independent variable with dependent variables. ANOVA procedure can be used correctly if the following condition: The dependent variables should be interval or ratio data type. The data used f ratios which interpreted the bank profitability. The population normally distributed and the variance is equal. 5.2: Coefficient Table 3 Unstandardize Coefficients Standardize coefficients t Sig B Std Error Beta Linear ROA .010 .018 .075 .570 .571 NI 1.050 2.007 .068 .523 .603 NII -.268 .153 -.224 -1.750 .085 Logarithmic ROA .003 .007 .059 .452 .653 NI .240 .728 .043 .330 .742 NII -.111 .055 -.257 -2.025 .047 The next part of the output, the Coefficients table, showed variables were individually significant predictors of dependent variable. Regression Coefficient measured how independent variable predicts the dependent variables. Here the interest rate predicts the ROA, NI, and NII. The table showed unstandardized Coefficient that provides the independent variables the regression equation. The Standardized Beta Coefficient column showed the contribution that an individual variable makes to the model. Here p 0.05 show significance of variable in the facts represent that dependent variables ROA, Net income and Net interest income had no significance level related to independent variable. Numerical value of the parameter estimated directly associated with an independent variable. The regression coefficient represents the amount of change in the dependent variable for a change in independent variable. In this study interest rate (discount rate) is independent variable and ROA, NI, NII are dependent variable. In regression coefficients are partial coefficient because each variable takes into account this represents the relationship of interest rate with ROA, Net Income and Net Interest Income. The facts represented that there was negative association between them. The coefficient is not limited in range, as it based on the degree of association and the scale unit of the independent variable. In linear regression, the size of the coefficient for each independent variable gives the size of the effect that variable is having on dependent variable, and the sign on the coefficient (positive or negative) gives the direction of the effect. In regression with a single independent variable, the coefficient tell how much the dependent variable is expected to increase (if the coefficient is positive) or decrease (if the coefficient is negative) when that independent variable increases by one. The result examined that as the interest rate raised it caused to decrease the level of return through the ratios. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The study determined that hypothesis was accepted interest rate fluctuation has adversely related with commercial bank profitability. The hypothesis tested by regression analysis of curve estimation through three dependent variables these are ROA, NI, NII and one Independent variable interest rate. The data used for analysis were from secondary source. Data taken from annual reports for the period 2004-2008 of commercial banks in Pakistan. As a result of the approved progress toward the relationship of interest rate and commercial bank profitability showed the association between them. The study examined that there was negative association between the interest rate and commercial bank profitability, as the causes of increasing interest rate was inflation. The study developed a framework for investigating through key ratios which showed the profitability of financial institutes that leads to more significant approach. Result proved the hypothesis. CHAPTER 7 IMPLICATION The analysis of the bank profitability against interest rate changes is important for investors, to measure Commercial bank profitability against interest rate risk. This study found the sensitivity of Commercial bank profitability to changes of interest rate. This investigation helped to increase the commitment of managers of commercial banks to hold sound interest rate management policies and minimize their exposure to interest rate risks. This study encouraged the policy makers and bank regulators to implement fiscal and monetary policy regime that will ensure interest rate stability.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The True Meaning of Empire State College Essay Samples
<h1> The True Meaning of Empire State College Essay Samples </h1> <p>It's valuable to dismantle composing as an approach to see only the way that it achieves its destinations. All things considered, the unmistakable argumentation and structure, the most sweltering necessities about the paper arrangement will be mindfully followed inside this paper. Also, so as to have the opportunity to revise, you should begin path before the application cutoff time. Get an exceptionally composed paper and make certain your scholarly future.</p> <p>However, I have found that despite the fact that less people may acknowledge what you must state, the people who do, will really acknowledge, and more to the point, relate to your authenticity and genuineness. The majority of the article uses standard English and English syntax. These solid words needn't bother with verb modifiers, and this likewise makes a succinct, streaming sentence that is easy to peruse. The second kind of sentence animates the creative mind and makes a connection to the creator. </p> <p>The veritable development occurred during the beginning of the Great Depression and, paying little mind to the passings of certain laborers, was finished in time. The once disputable structure is as of now a diversion webpage, a verifiable site, notwithstanding a prudent asset of New York. Albeit land was viewed as a protected venture, there was no assurance that the Empire State Building would deliver a great deal of cash. The arranging of the development happens in the late 1920's during an amazingly prosperous time in the us. </p> <p>Possessing a perfectly clear and organized arrangement is the establishment for any incredible piece of composing, and a school exposition isn't any unique. A brilliant school paper acquaintance is fundamental with making your article stick out, so there's bunches of strain to get it precisely great. On the off chance that you experience diff iculty finding a point, we have a guide on conceptualizing school exposition thoughts. Peruse each article subject and endeavor to place it with regards to the school. </p> <p>Before we talk about how to start a school article, we should examine the capacity of the presentation. Summer is the perfect time to begin your school article. Right now, how about we look at two or three instances of genuine school exposition beginnings to disclose to you how and why they work.</p> <p>Look where both are currently. You can without much of a stretch research a school's history on the web or at your territorial library. </p> <h2> The Secret to Empire State College Essay Samples</h2> <p>Bridget's paper is amazingly solid, yet there keep on being a couple seemingly insignificant details that could be improved. Being in school may be a little battle for a few. The main methods which they can perceive what's diverse about you versus another person is by perusing your very own announcement. You turn it in your educator, a little apprehensive that she may presume something, however trusting that you're ready to scratch by. </ p> <p>All brilliant individual articles contain this indispensable component. The peruser might want to find out additional. Having great article models gives the peruser an inside and out and on-the-court thought regarding what a very much organized and reasonable exposition seems like. In case you're in the focal point of your article composing strategy, you will need to see our recommendations on what paper traps to prevent.</p> <p>Furthermore, the master author will help with exposition better than should you complete it without anyone else inside two or three hours. It's conceivable to fix missteps and better your writing in later drafts. Composing your exposition will be significantly more straightforward in the event that you discover the total of it first and simply, at that point return and work out accurately the way that it should begin. Composing a school paper can show up in different structures and styles dependent on your taste.</p> <p> ;People with only a secondary school confirmation don't have exactly a similar activity determination as individuals who have school understanding. Additionally by not covering school, a few understudies that are scholastically fit however not monetarily would in any case be in a situation to gain into more significant level training. At that point that college will feel like you're paying attention to it (and you should be). In this manner, State University isn't just the perfect area for me, it is the sole spot for me. </p> <p>It was on this absolute first instructive task which I understood what amount should be possible through a creature training program more, now and again, than the total endeavors of all the rehabilitators. In Europe, numerous countries offer totally free advanced degree since they see the young's drive for instruction for an advantage for their nation, not just an approach to procure a mess of cash. There are a great deal of reasons why I've considered Suny Empire State College as a decision to proceed with my training. While in the Army, I had the astounding honor to present with different ladies and men who, similar to me, battled to procure a distinction on the planet. </p>
Monday, May 25, 2020
College Essay Requirements - Writes an Excellent One
School Essay Requirements - Writes an Excellent OnePreparing for your York College exposition prerequisite isn't troublesome. On the off chance that you are a decent author, you can make an intriguing exposition. I will impart to you some simple tips that will permit you to compose an amazing exposition on the spot.First, remember that your article ought to contain subtleties that are important to the foundation. You ought to know about this before composing your paper. For instance, in the event that you are entering the University of Michigan, you need to incorporate the major, area, and major your major is in. This will help the affirmations office to decide how genuine you are about your degree. Regardless of whether you don't have a place with a Michigan or another University, you can at present incorporate these subtleties since they might be useful to future employers.Your paper should likewise contain subtleties that can be useful to the school. For instance, on the off chanc e that you are from a city other than one of the urban areas that are a piece of the college, you will need to incorporate this data. This can be helpful to the school's bosses on the off chance that you are searching for a vocation change or something different that is not quite the same as what you are as of now doing. You ought to likewise make reference to things like which kind of courses you are taking. These subtleties will help the affirmations office know whether you have taken in the essentials of the degree program or in the event that you have taken some low maintenance courses.Requirements in the course that you have picked ought to likewise be incorporated. In the event that you are a first year understudy, you ought to likewise incorporate this data. On the off chance that you are going to a college that has a few distinctive grounds areas, you ought to incorporate every one of them with the goal that the confirmations office can choose where to send you. On the off c hance that you need to invest additional energy voyaging, the confirmations office can decide whether you are adaptable or not.When your paper is prepared, don't send it out until you get endorsement. You should contact the affirmations office and discover what you have to do. This can incorporate mailing your finished paper, finishing the fundamental research, or simply perusing the article and posing any inquiries that you have.The last thing you ought to do is send the exposition in immediately. When you are educated regarding your acknowledgment to the college, you ought to send your article. At the point when you send it in, it ought to be on the application bundle, or in the envelope with your application materials. Try not to hold up until you get the warning to mail it in.Remember that your exposition ought to be mindful and it should consider everything that you are attempting to state. On the off chance that you are composing it all alone, don't stress over getting it grea t. Simply begin and set aside the effort to communicate your thoughts.If you need to find out about exposition prerequisites at York College, go on the web and search for the necessities. There is a ton of data accessible to you when you are composing your article.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Do This, Get That Guide On 4th Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples
<h1> The Do This, Get That Guide On fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples</h1> <p>The web program mmorpg 2015 not require any sort of the enlistment as well. Until further notice, take a gander at the supporting code and verify you get it. Various sites from Google search results. At the point when you need a model composed by methods for an understudy look at our huge gathering of completely free understudy models. </p> <h2>The 5-Minute Rule for fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples </h2> <p>According to our details, almost all understudies face this problem through school. Your experience is absolutely in your grasp. It empowers the understudies to feel eased from the day by day worry of tending to the huge number of undertakings. In truth, it's the most genuine case of working environment gamification there may be. </p> <h2> The Ultimate Approach for fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Sample s</h2> <p>At times, it tends to be an incredible idea to think about any points that you're especially keen on. As a general rule, to offer you a couple of thoughts regarding the kind of themes you may expound on, there's a rundown of particular thoughts underneath that you might need to consider. Since it's a story application all things considered, there isn't a lot to control. Preferably, you are going to need to consider subjects that could incite a discussion, as you'll at that point can pick a solitary side or the other identifying with that banter that you would then be able to contend about. </p> <p>Disagreeing essayists can make reference to the numerous clarifications for why understudies shouldn't be made to partake in the day by day schedule. Along these lines, sentence structure botches disposal improves understudy's ethos, that is the dependability of the understudy for an essayist. Editing is the thing that assists with disposing of the mix-ups you may have excluded! Beside that it's been a learning method and we've all come far. </p> <p>Nonetheless, the code should be educational to anyone keen on find out about parsing basic sentences. As a matter of course, players may get and drop any article that you place in the room. Carry your citymates with you while you play. </p> <h2>The Unexpected Truth About fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples </h2> <p>Essentially, what you need to do is make an extremely broad system for your character. OOC is clearly especially concerning the uneasiness and battle that incorporates growing up. </p> <p>No one ought to enter the game and promptly come to be a lawmaker. How about we place the inquiry another way. Instead of uniquely talking about this current, we should utilize a genuine model. </p> <h2>Using fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples </h2> <p>A 30th Anniversary version of the game are accessible here (hyperlink). Universes in content based games offer a level of assortment and detail which can't be coordinated. They are played in a few dimensional environment and a large number of them have MMORPG limit known as realistic situated program games. On-line content games are at times an incredible break into idealism, yet it merits recollecting that they are actually that. </p> <p>In the two circumstances you're moving onto a higher degree inside the game'. You may join an on-line RPG game with the point of framing a political profession. Once more, you may find how governmental issues in a game capacities and find that you're intrigued. There are heaps of sites which offer totally free web film games to its clients. </p> <h2> The Basic Principles of fourth Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples You Will have the option to Benefit From Starting Immediately</h2> <p>Men and ladies trust it will diminish the price tag of Ethereum yet in case you're familiar with such specialized subtleties, you will know much better. Today the web grants individuals to offer expressions about things occurring on the rival side of the Earth, yet dependent on what they have seen on the screen. Remember to Stay in your Role Remembering to stay in character while online may be very troublesome with the latest film or tune on the back of your bra in. Individuals today contend constantly. </p> <p>You may likewise observe scholarly article. You can likewise observe investigative exposition. You may likewise observe engaging article. It is critical to know a pugnacious paper and an explanatory exposition might be comparable, yet they shift enormously as to the aggregate of pre-composing and research included. </p> <p>There's a ton of camera teams around also, which certainly builds the promotion. The ability to interface with various explorers is a principle component in content based RPG's, all which can be practiced by basic orders. There's a plenty of methods adversary pretending can go, so I need to feature two. Ghastliness RPGs can be part into two gatherings. </p> <p>After all, the assignment of the understudy is to simply clarify how different positions probably won't be very much educated or refreshed on this issue. After transforming into a resident you may be mentioned to understand them. On the off chance that that is the situation, political office might be helpful for you. The arranging went very well like I got sufficient opportunity to complete the endeavor. </p> <h2>4th Grade Text Based Argumentative Essay Samples - the Story </h2> <p>There were just fourteen days to finish the plan stage. At whatever point the looking over bar won't be required, it won't be seen in any capacity, so I believe that it's a decent extra to the interface. To allow the player to move from 1 space to another, it's fundamental for you to characterize how the 2 rooms can be found corresponding to each other utilizing cardinal bearings. You can make another room exactly the same way we made the underlying one characterizing it and including a portrayal. </p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Topic Ideas For Argument Essays
<h1>Topic Ideas For Argument Essays</h1><p>Writing a decent contention exposition isn't in every case simple. As understudies, it very well may be very hard to think of subjects that they would be keen on expounding on. Only one out of every odd subject will be a hit. This article will support you on the off chance that you are experiencing difficulty concocting subject thoughts for your contention essay.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is choose what you might want to expound on and what makes you fascinating as an author. Your theme ought to be something that you know a tad about. This will make it simpler for you to concoct thoughts for composing the contention essay.</p><p></p><p>Now that you have chosen what to expound on, you have to begin searching for incredible theme thoughts. There are various sites that permit you to scan for themes to expound on. These destinations are generally allowed to utili ze, however some charge an expense for utilizing their assets. On the off chance that you are on a careful spending plan, you should look for nothing sites.</p><p></p><p>One approach to locate a free online contention exposition theme is to join gatherings. Gatherings are intended to give journalists a spot to talk about subjects and offer thoughts. You can discover numerous subjects in these discussions and you can go to and fro with different authors to attempt to get your thoughts out on the page. It's an incredible method to discover subject thoughts that you like.</p><p></p><p>Another extraordinary approach to discover great paper point thoughts is to glance in the news and watch link news. They have a wide range of themes that individuals are talking about. Additionally, make certain to remain educated and stay aware of your classes, just as your school. Huge numbers of the most mainstream themes have an association with recent d evelopments and can help you in concocting points for your essay.</p><p></p><p>After you have various subject thoughts, you should make sense of which ones you need to expound on. Record a few subjects and afterward verify whether you like the point. Ensure that it is something that you think would be fascinating to peruse, consider, or share with others.</p><p></p><p>Once you have picked the theme, you can start to compose. The explanation that you need to compose is on the grounds that it will be utilized in a paper. Compose it gradually and unmistakably with the goal that you can communicate the thought in the most clear manner conceivable. Set aside the effort to examine your subject to ensure that it is fascinating. Furthermore, remember to edit your paper before sending it off to be proofread.</p><p></p><p>Once you have picked the point and composed the article, you ought to consistently reconsider it befo re sending it off. Utilize the asset manage that you recorded and investigate the subjects that you expounded on. Verify whether you have to include data or make rectifications. Ensure that your expositions are very much examined and you are prepared to send it off to be proofread.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Term Paper Format Example - A GreatHelp for All
<h1>Term Paper Format Example - A GreatHelp for All</h1><p>If you are searching for a research project group model, at that point you are without a doubt working superbly of discovering one. Your main responsibility is to investigate your point and to comprehend what it implies. You should be innovative and receptive on the off chance that you are to succeed.</p><p></p><p>When you are composing your own paper, you are in all probability going to pose others to answer inquiries and to offer thoughts on your point. There are a great deal of sites that will offer you test papers to take your notes from.</p><p></p><p>The first research project position model you ought to be taking a gander at isn't just a free form. At the point when you get the papers from any site, you will need to peruse the asset box. This case will let you know whether it is a free form or not.</p><p></p><p>You ought to likewis e take a gander at what the site is advancing in light of the fact that it might be a paid site or free however just for specific catchphrases. You additionally need to set aside the effort to peruse the substance on each page in such a case that you don't know about the substance or watchword, at that point it will be useless.</p><p></p><p>Your paper should have an effect when you read it ought to be anything but difficult to peruse and to comprehend. The research project design model will give you data and this is the thing that you ought to be using.</p><p></p><p>Word processors and different projects are extraordinary when you are composing the paper. You would then be able to return and read the record over again.</p><p></p><p>If you find that you don't have the opportunity to compose your own research paper position model, at that point you should take a gander at those that can be found on the web. On the off chance that you are searching for something to compose on, at that point a decent research paper position model will be difficult to beat.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Path to Legalization for Illegal Immigrants in the US
Should the United States provide a path to legalization for illegal immigrants? The issue has been at the forefront of American politics for years, and the debate shows no signs of abating. What does a nation do with the millions of people residing in its country illegally? History of Immigrating to the US Illegal immigrants, often referred to as illegal aliens, are defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 as people who are not citizens or nationals of the United States. They are foreign nationals who come to the United States without following the legal immigration process to enter and remain in the country; in other words, anyone born in a country other than the United States to parents who are not United States citizens. The reasons for immigrating vary, but generally, people are looking for better opportunities and a higher quality of life than they would have in their native countries. Illegal immigrants do not have the proper legal documentation to be in the country, or they have overstayed their time allotted, perhaps on a tourist or student visa. Theyà cannot vote, and they cannot receive social services from federally funded programs or social security benefits; they cannot hold United States passports. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provided amnesty to 2.7 illegal immigrants already in the United States and established sanctions for employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. Additional laws were passed in the 1990s to help curb the growing number of illegal aliens, but they were largely ineffective. Another bill for immigration reform was introduced in 2007 but ultimately failed. It would have provided legal status to approximately 12 million illegal immigrants. President Donald Trump has gone back and forth on the immigration issue, going so far as to offer a merit-based legal immigration system. Nevertheless, Trump says he is intent on restoring integrity and the rule of law to our borders, and prompted the longest government shutdown to date (34 days) with his demand of funding for a southern border wall. A Path Toward Legalization The path toward becoming a legal US citizen is called naturalization; this process is overseen by the US Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Service (BCIS). There are four paths to legal status for undocumented, or illegal, immigrants. Path 1: Green Card The first path to becoming a legal citizen is to obtain a Green Card by marrying a USà citizen or a lawful permanent resident. But, according to Citizenpath, if the foreign spouse and children or stepchildren entered the United States without inspection and remained in the United States, they must leave the country and conclude their immigration process through US consulates abroad to obtain the green card. More importantly, says Citizenpath, If the immigrating spouse and/or children over 18 years of age resided in the United States unlawfully for at least 180 days (6 months) but less than one year, or they remained more than one year, they could then be automatically barred from re-entry to the United States for 3-10 years respectively once they leave the United States. In some cases, these immigrants can apply for a waiver if they can prove extreme and unusual hardship.à Path 2: DREAMers The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a program established in 2012 to protect illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children. Donald Trumps administration in 2017 threatened to undo the act but has yet to do so. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act was first introduced in 2001 as bipartisan legislation, and its main provision was to provide permanent resident status upon completion of two years of college or service in the military. The American Immigration Council states that with the country currently gripped by political polarization, bipartisan support for the DREAM Act has waned. In turn, more narrow proposals have circulated that either restrict eligibility for permanent residency to a smaller group of young people or offer no dedicated path to permanent residency (and, eventually, US citizenship). Path 3: Asylum Citizenpath says that asylum is available to illegal immigrants who have suffered persecution in his or her home country or who has a well-founded fear of persecution if he or she were to return to that country.à Persecutionà must be based on one of the following five groups: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. Also according to Citizenpath, requirements for eligibility include the following: You must be present in the United States (by legal or illegally entry); you are unable or unwilling to return to your home country due to past persecution or have a well-founded fear of future persecution if you return; the reason for persecution is related to one of five things: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and you are not involved with an activity that would bar you from asylum. Path 4: U Visas The U Visa ââ¬â a non-immigrant visa ââ¬â is reserved for crime victims who have assisted law enforcement. Citizenpath says U Visa holders have legal status in the United States, receive employment authorization (work permit) and even a possible path to citizenship.à The U Visa was created by the US Congress in October 2000à by the passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. To qualify, an illegal immigrant must have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of a qualifying criminal activity; must have information concerning that criminal activity; must have been helpful, is being helpful or is likely to be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the crime; and the criminal activity must have violated US laws.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Introducing Writing Conclusions Research Essay
<h1> Introducing Writing Conclusions Research Essay </h1> <h2> The Bizarre Secret of Writing Conclusions Research Essay</h2> <p>The absolute first individual particular won't work in any capacity. Also, your decision is where it's conceivable to pick the chance of having the past word on this issue accessible. You ought to have your reasons, and our essential concern is that you end up getting a great evaluation. Polish off by remarking on the significance of the issue, making a forecast about the eventual fate of the issue, or a proposal to adapt to the issue accessible.</p> <p>Writing a decision is a huge segment of any piece of composing. Composing an amazing decision is certifiably not a basic arrangement. The past sentence may have an equal or compound to introduce the parity that may assist with understanding the whole thought at the end of the exploration paper. Composing sentences produced using single-prospectus words might be the ke y to great research paper end. </p> <p>The completion of the article The utilization of the paper's Conclusion is to rehash the significant contention. It isn't where you have to embed new data or cases that you haven't examined anyplace else in your paper. </p> <p>Even a splendid article can't get a generally excellent evaluation in the event that it doesn't address the inquiry. Make certain your proposal is expressed in the end as well as what's more in the presentation and in the body segment of your paper. Additionally, you'll have to adjust your postulation and complete the paper, building up a proposition of your view on the issue. When you've rehashed the subject of the exploration, you must repeat your proposal proclamation. </p> <p>Regardless of what article theme you've been given, our paper generator will be able to complete your exposition without any problem. In an article, it may be to some degree dubious. It should endeavor to illuminate why you're composing the paper. For instance, at whatever point you are composing an artistic article, you should be certain your principle. </p> <p>Highlighting the interest for extra research gives the peruser proof that you have an inside and out consciousness of the examination issue. In a paper or postulation, it's progressively likely that you will have an area on the interest for future research. The way in to various expositions and proposals is the ought to accentuate the commitment it makes to look into. Most research papers look to deliver an understudy step past the existent limits of strong insight and further educational conversation on a point. </p> <p>The perfect structure for an examination paper involves a presentation and an end that are connected to each other. When composing an exploration paper, you're using various creators' data in order to introduce a case. A normal research paper would make it feasible for an elaborative end that may produce over the length of two or three pages. This strategy is incredibly powerful especially when you are composing an exploration paper on social or political issues. </p> <p>A end may likewise empower you to push past the limits thus empowering you to think about more extensive issues, and expound on the estimation of your discoveries. Contingent upon the kind of paper required, it might need to fit to some degree various prerequisites. Any determination contains a few components, so you can pick different methodologies relying on your plan and the paper type. All end answers the key research question referenced in the presentation. </p> <p>For model, on the off chance that you began your exploration with an inquiry, end is a perfect spot to offer an answer as they would see it. The end furnishes you with a chance to have the final word regarding the matter open. It's anything but a spot for one to put their strategy or even outcomes. Your decision is your chance to have the past word on the theme. </p> <p>There are no resolute standards that you should hold fast to as you compose. Actually, including a significant end can every so often be the best test. The sole basic misstep you'll have the option to make is to show an unmistakable irreverence. </p>
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Writing an AP Sample Gossip Essay
Writing an AP Sample Gossip EssayWhether you are a college student or just starting your career, writing an AP sample gossip essay will help you get ahead of the game. A lot of good college students write their own gossip essays, but most of them do not really know what they are doing. Fortunately, you don't have to be one of them to write a good sample gossip essay.Before you try to write your own, you should know that it is crucial to have some sort of talent to do so. You must have a genuine and entertaining love for the subject or else it won't work. Also, you need to be very sure of what the subject matter is before you start writing your AP sample gossip essay.You can begin by choosing a topic that can be translated into a simple gossip article. Most college students like to write about sports because of its wide-ranging subjects. Instead of writing about the same old scandal, make your piece different by making it a sports gossip.For example, college students love gossip about stars or athletes. Whether it is Tiger Woods' latest girlfriend or Tiger Woods' ex-girlfriend, you can fit in a bunch of sports gossip with a few examples. You can also write about big names like LeBron James and Michael Jordan. Whatever the subject matter is, you can easily fit it into your AP sample gossip essay.It is best if you know the proper usage of AP style. Most AP samples will have many key terms that you can use correctly. There are also many verbs that are used incorrectly. This can be avoided by making sure that you have a grasp of the basic guidelines of AP style.Another way to write a good AP sample gossip essay is to know how to write in a certain paragraph format. Instead of writing straight from the subject matter, write the gossip first and then follow up with the subject. Make sure that you emphasize certain facts to bring your point across. Just be sure that you outline the points in your opening paragraph.Adding a sub-headline to a specific point will be a gre at idea. If you are writing a sport-gossip, then it is a great idea to give examples of events that were reported. This will help your readers relate to your piece.To really sell your piece, make sure that you do this with a published piece from a university's newspaper. You should also make sure that you have a good source for your piece. This is the most important part because you want to have the piece stand out from the others.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Writing a Custom Function in Matlab
<h1>Writing a Custom Function in Matlab</h1><p>Writing a custom capacity in Matlab can be entertaining. In the event that you are happy to set aside the effort to truly learn and comprehend what you are composing then it will be anything but difficult to utilize your custom capacity in Matlab without any problem. This article will show you how to compose a custom capacity in Matlab and how to utilize the capacity to do what you need. You can do it without anyone's help or you can recruit somebody to do it for you.</p><p></p><p>The first thing you have to do is make a workspace for your custom capacity. This is the place you will put all the code that you need to incorporate with your capacity. Next, you will type the code into the workspace with the goal that it is noticeable to you. It will be simpler to get what you need in the event that you have a reference note pad. When you have this, you will glue the code into your workspace as well.& lt;/p><p></p><p>The second thing you have to do to compose a custom capacity in Matlab is to introduce the required MATLAB programming. You will require a permit for this product. In the event that you don't have this, there are some different projects accessible that you can get a permit for. Make certain to peruse the MATLAB program and buy the permit before you begin composing your custom function.</p><p></p><p>When you have the MATLAB program introduced, you will be all set. You can stack the code into your workspace. Compose the code in Matlab. Ensure you feature the code and run it in MATLAB. Your workspace ought to contain the aftereffects of your function.</p><p></p><p>There are two different ways to make your custom capacity work. You can either utilize Matlab's worked in capacities or you can compose your own capacities. To make your own capacities, you should simply follow the means below.</p><p ></p><p>First, you should have a variety of frameworks. There are numerous libraries for this. You can discover more data via looking online.</p><p></p><p>Next, you will set up the x incentive to show to show the genuine estimations of the qualities. This works best in the event that you can utilize an irregular variable that isn't reliant on any information. It is likewise critical to give the irregular factors a consistent likelihood to draw from. The accompanying code tells the best way to add the qualities to the exhibit. At the point when you have wrapped up the frameworks, you should spare the document with the goal that you can open it in Matlab. At long last, run the code as though you were perusing from the exhibit and you will see your last output.</p>
Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby - Is it a Scam?
<h1> Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby - Is it a Scam? </h1> <h2>The Little-Known Secrets to Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby </h2> <p>Among the most intriguing features of the web is the way individuals utilizing internet based life never quit talking about their least most loved words or sentence developments. Posting a Whatsapp status, for example, will show the total of people who have seen it, and the genuine names of the people who saw. In the event that you plan to present an application for a social publicizing and advertising work, be fit to be posed inquiries with respect to the sort of long range informal communication stages you use and the amount of supporters you have. 1 way to deal with watch out for the similitudes and contrasts of your subjects is to deliver a rundown for each. </p> <p>Fancy vehicles lead individuals off track in for all intents and purposes each part. At the point when you understand that the time isn't suf ficient, you begin to work all the more beneficially. Other than Tom and Myrtle, the rest of the cast was nice. Try not to disregard to edit it. </p> <h2> Using Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby </h2> <p>Choosing our administration, you will comprehend that contemplating can be straightforward in the event that you gain from the assistance of fit specialists. In spite of the way that the novel experienced two starting printings, some of these duplicates stayed unsold decades later. In the event that you like you may look on the web and discover one which you like. </p> <p>You may see the world with him. You have an extremely superb kiss. The sort of affection that you've never been all the more sure of. Everyone has their preferred annoyance when it has to do with utilizing words wrong. </p> <h2> Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby - What Is It?</h2> <p>Our scholars consistently make special substance that is totally liberate d from all linguistic blunder. The equivalent is valid for top exposition essayists. You need to ensure your paper remains on point and presents the subtleties which you were mentioned to give. It is interesting to peruse and create an article about it. </p> <p>Together with the UK Essay Help students can't get stressed over the time yet get a kick out of a total life. In any case, you have to have a proposal proclamation. Understudies will gain proficiency with the base of the french insurgency this short paper should be evaluated in accordance with the rubric above, with solid supporting point of interest for. So far as the understudies are included, composing an examination paper is among the hardest and baffling undertaking as they would like to think. </p> <h2> Life After Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby</h2> <p>The positive significance additionally works pleasantly with the idea of a dock light. Be the bona fide instrument which you are on the grounds that it creates a dazzling and particular sound that is all around required in your association. The child is never near, which shows a mess about Daisy. On the off chance that it's along these lines, at that point you'll be possessing some troublesome energy for an understudy notwithstanding being an author. </p> <p>Even the climate coordinates the flood of the plot. The full novel is loaded with foils. On the outside of it, the plot seems, by all accounts, to be a standard story of broken expectations and desires. Clarify this entry considering the entire novel. </p> <p>The front of the absolute first printing of The Great Gatsby is one of the most praised pieces of craftsmanship in American writing. The sleeping cushion is made with high-thickness froth that has versatile and polyester inside it. On the off chance that you are contemplating buying a thing which you will in any case have next schedule year, see pulling out the card yet you should be cautious. </p> <h2>The Ugly Side of Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby </h2> <p>Gatsby's dad respects the memorial service from Minnesota. He becomes undermined in light of the fact that his principle objective is to have Daisy. The chan ces are amazingly incredible that you should form a paper on The Great Gatsby. </p> <h2> The Do's and Don'ts of Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby </h2> <p>There's, obviously, a breaking point on the scope of pages even our best journalists can create with a squeezing cutoff time, however as a rule, we make sense of how to fulfill all the customers looking for pressing help. Your CV is the underlying advance for your dream work as it's the absolute first issue to be seen by the selection representatives and by pondering the various CVs they waitlist the up-and-comers from a scope of uses they've achieved. Assuming be that as it may, you accept the activity is excessively much for, there isn't any disgrace in reaching the experts. You should make associations that attach in to a greater issue. </p> <p>Gatsby, for instance, is essentially worried about winning back Daisy, his lost love. Fitzgerald and Gatsby are at two particular limits when it has t o do with drinking. Love is basic in a relationship. Cash conspicuously administers the lives of the people in the story. </p> <h2> The Pain of Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby </h2> <p>In reality, you may not see them. It's astonishing how rapidly comp focuses can collect! Simply guarantee that it is something which you require, not simply something that you need in the short term. Along these lines, it's alright to get somewhat close to home here and pass on your point of view. </p> <h2>Essay Topics for the Great Gatsby: the Ultimate Convenience! </h2> <p>Gatsby is firmly subject to the hub interface, that is the center of Gatsby's information framework. The thought here is that on the off chance that you have the key in 1 arrangement of data, you can run over the worth that compares to it in another arrangement of data. One other significant image is the indication of time. It's extremely difficult to understand broadness first inq uiry in the event that you don't definitely know Big O documentation. </p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Article Writing and Research Paper Topics
Article Writing and Research Paper TopicsMost students start out with cliche research paper topics when writing their essay. For example, they may use clichés about scientific, medical, and legal professionals in their essay. They think this will allow them to write a broad research paper that covers everything and will appeal to judges and publishers.The thing about cliche research paper topics is that they make it easy for students to get by with mediocre work. A student can just write about being a journalist, but when he or she adds elements of humour or becomes creative in the writing process, the student has now got a professional paper. However, a student who does not add any creativity or subject matter originality when writing a cliche research paper will most likely get into trouble when it comes to academic conferences and submitting it to academic journals.In order to come up with an effective research paper, you must be able to write a good essay based on interesting an d relevant ideas and stories. The audience you are writing for will be interested in knowing more about a person who works for a particular company or for a type of doctor.You need to be able to create a story that will capture the interest of your audience. This means that you should not just jot down a bunch of facts, because that is boring and disjointed. Instead, you need to be able to keep a clear idea in your head, and then give the details to make your story work.In order to do this, it is going to be very difficult business to go over what you already know, but it is important to learn something new every day. This means that if you spend your entire career in school and have never researched anything on your own, you should not assume that you can go and research the latest study or trend of the day. If you get lost while researching a topic, it will hurt your credibility and turn off the readers. The last thing that you need to consider is that the research paper topic is not an opportunity to just 'break the rules'. Although it can be a good idea to break the rules in some cases, when it comes to the research paper topics that you use, you should try to stick to topics that are already accepted. These topics have already proven to be extremely popular, and they are also ideas that people have heard of, read about, and read about in books.When it comes to research paper topics, if you are creating a topic that is original, you should only include ideas that you have heard or read about. It is easier to add to someone else's ideas than it is to try to come up with your own, especially if they are already familiar to you.In conclusion, cliche research paper topics will not allow you to write a quality research paper, and you need to remember that it will not be easy to research topics that people have already researched. If you are worried about writing a research paper topic that is too challenging, just do something different every day, and soon you will find that you are writing a great research paper topic that is both original and relevant.
Writing Essay Introduction For Fifth Grade - How to Do it
Writing Essay Introduction For Fifth Grade - How to Do itThe essay introduction for 5th grade samples is an important part of the essay that should be mastered. As a child, you are already a well-grounded person with a lot of interests and learning to do. So when you start writing an essay, it is a must that you write a well-formed essay introduction for 5th grade samples.Writing an introduction is not as easy as writing a basic essay, but that doesn't mean that your introduction for 5th grade samples is not enjoyable. Writing a well-written introduction for 5th grade samples is a good challenge for young students. This is also the time where they try to understand why their teacher assigned a particular essay assignment. If you are the teacher, your introduction for 5th grade samples will definitely be remembered by your students.You can start preparing your introduction for a grade sample by looking for some popular essay introduction for grades below E. There are many books availa ble at the bookstore, which come highly recommended. Before you start writing, it is always advisable to look at the examples on the Internet. This way, you can have more ideas on how to write a good introduction for a grade sample. Other sources you can consult include newspapers and magazines, which often publish example essays for the students.For research, you can find a sample essay from the internet or newspapers. Or you can do your research by talking to teachers and some of the parents who had written essays for their children in the past.When you write your introduction for a grade sample, there are two main techniques. The first one is the passive technique where you provide details about the topic and illustrate how to solve problems. The second technique is the active technique where you use examples and anecdotes to prove to the readers how the ideas and concepts in the essay relate to the concepts and facts used in the essay. Both these techniques are described below.A ctive introduction: In this technique, you discuss the topics using real experiences and examples. The examples and anecdotes are like explain the main idea using different example situations. For example, the example of the transfer student can be used to show the pros and cons of the decision to transfer, and using the essay as a case study can help explain to the readers why the parents had to make the decision that they did.Passive introduction: In this technique, you use only examples and anecdotes to show how to solve problems. For example, the family business can be used to explain how entrepreneurs work. The examples and anecdotes can also be used to explain the important features of a certain person, thing or situation. However, to avoid using too many examples and anecdotes, you should use anecdotes that are relevant to the topic of the essay.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pros and Cons of Parole Programs - 572 Words
First off, parole is ââ¬Å"the conditional release of a prisoner, prior to completition of the imposed sentence, under the supervision of a parole officerâ⬠(Schmalleger Smykla, 2013). Parole is a constrained relief that requires parolees to tolerate rules that do not apply to other members of society (Corbett, 2014) .Parole has been used for early release from prison for more over a century, but never before have so many individuals been released from prison (Schmalleger Smykla, 2013).Parole is usually certain by specialists in the correctional system who are accountable for offenders passed from the judicial system to the correctional system upon imprisonment (Schmalleger Smykla, 2013). Probation does not include a period of incarceration; it is served in the community rather than jail (Corbett, 2014). The sentencing judge always makes the decision concerning the offenderââ¬â¢s probation conditions and violations, however, a judge may request that the Parole Board supervise certain county offenders with the judge retaining decision making power; however, these are known as ââ¬Å"special probationâ⬠cases (Corbett, 2014). Does parole work? To some people no and to others yes. Instead of asking ââ¬Å"Does Parole Workâ⬠we should ask what amount of people on parole supervision can complete there term in full. Some people believe parole offers give criminals a chance at producing a better life for themselves. Others, however see parole as having less trust in peoples abilityShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Is Too Than Life Without Parole1274 Words à |à 6 Pages there is a better alternative which is life without parole. The death penalty is unnecessary because the high cost of the death penalty, puts innocent lives at risk, capital punishment doesnââ¬â¢t deter crime, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, and Deterrence value of the death penalty. The high cost of the death penalty is the first thing that will be talked about. the death penalty is much more expensive than life without parole because the Constitution requires a long and complexRead MoreThe Inmate Population And The Budget Of The Wisconsin Department Of Corrections1071 Words à |à 5 Pagesexamining the scale of the issue and looking at the whether the various options would help tackle the issue at hand. In consideration of the analysis I have done, I would suggest further increasing funding for Treatment Alternative Diversion (TAD) programs for reasons that will become clear. Background Summary In Wisconsin the prison population and the budget has been growing for years and looks to keep on rising as the inmate population has risen from 21,651 in April 2013 (Wisconsin Department ofRead MoreElderly Parole Essay1297 Words à |à 6 PagesParole for the Elderly Tynesha Wilson CJHS 430 November 17, 2014 Christopher Abreu Parole for the Elderly There are many arguments for and against confining the sick and elderly adults in jail. Some of the arguments include but are not limited to the cost to house these inmates (elderly and sick), monies used to house these inmates could be used to fund other programs, where will these inmates go once they are released, the reduction of overcrowding in the prison system, may increase crimeRead MoreParole1390 Words à |à 6 Pagesnot individual states should abandon the parole system. Many people feel it is time to do away with parole, while others are fighting for its survival. As with any controversial change, there are pros and cons to both sides of the argument, all of which are very convincing. The basic arguments for and against the abolition of the parole system at the state level can be easily defined. One of the strongest arguments against the destruction of the parole system is the overpopulation problem in mostRead MoreThe Sentencing Phase Of A Criminal Case902 Words à |à 4 Pagesmore previous convictions in federal or state courts, at least one of which is a ââ¬Å"serious violent felony.â⬠The other offense may be a serious drug offense (2016, Thomson Reuters.) So in essence, this law aims to convict career offenders. Some of the pros include harsh punishment for habitual offenders, lesser crime rates, preventive measure for career citizens, and effective crime control. In a nutshell, harsh punishment stops career offenders, lesser crime rates come into effect due to no one wantsRead MoreA Successful Reintegration Of A Rehabilitated Offender1643 Words à |à 7 PagesFinancial Stability, Involvement in substance abuse programs, and Stabilization of any mental illness. Through discussion I will explain the pros and cons those rehabilitated face when re-entering society. Reintegration is offered to those individuals who are offered Parole. As we all know Parole is ââ¬Å"the conditional release of a person prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposeâ⬠(Parole | Define Parole at, n.d.). The parole system is used to reward well behaved inmates who showsRead MorePunishment Versus Rehabiliation1445 Words à |à 6 Pagescrime, how it affects victims and their family. I will also discuss how it affects offenders, the impact it has on society, and the fiscal impact upon society. Punishment and rehabilitation helps the inmate in different ways. This will show both pros and cons to punishment and rehabilitation. Punishment versus Rehabilitation The criminal justice system uses two objectives, these are punishment and rehabilitation. Society looks at these two with high prospects but the question is will the justice systemRead MoreWhy People Do Bad Things Essay1282 Words à |à 6 Pagesthere needs to be a broad understanding of how the judicial system works and what statutes apply in what states. This type of work can be applied in many different settings such as prisons, correctional facilities, court systems, government agencies, parole boards and research. Salary is sadly always a component that matters when looking for a future career. I was interested in the salary for a Forensic Psychologist in Florida, Georgia, Texas and New York. According to the Bureau of Labor StatisticsRead More Are Prisons Effective? Essay1490 Words à |à 6 PagesPrisons Effective? Imprisonment; is it beneficial or non-beneficial? This argument is presented from the viewpoint of both sides of this issue. One group, The Council on Crime in America, is pro-incarceration; while on the other side of this issue, The National Criminal Justice Commission, is con-incarceration. Both sides have presented their viewpoints clearly and factually. Those who are for incarceration present their opinions in such a way as to sway the reader toward accepting whatRead MoreThe Victim Of The Criminal Justice System1622 Words à |à 7 Pagescapital punishment. PROS First of all coming to reality the death penalty versus life in prison, has significant impact on why we should or should have the death penalty, one of the significant part of this issue is the cost. In reality, a considerable amount of the disapproval of the death penalty, is attributed to decades of appeals. Financial expenses to taxpayers of the death penalty is various times that of keeping an individual in prison for life. Plus offenders can get parole or escapes and
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